Before you Begin
Before submitting to ISEC2021, please note the following:
i. The ISEC2021 submission process is being handled by IAFOR. Please note that you are applying to the ISEC2021 Conference.
ii. We enthusiastically encourage submissions from practitioners, teachers, students, and families along with researchers and academics. We value all voices.
iii. When submitting your abstract, you will be asked to choose a theme. The themes for the conference are:
Research to Practice: Knowledge Exchange
What is knowledge exchange? Why is it important? How can universities and schools work together to close the research to practice gap? This strand will explore case studies and examples of programmes and partnerships that highlight best practices in knowledge exchange.
Research to Practice: Innovative Practices
Do you know of innovative practices being practiced in schools, homes, workplaces or communities that help individuals with disabilities? Please share your work here whether it is still in development or has proven to be successful!
Research to Practice: Inclusion as Social Justice
Inclusion is not only a disability issue; it is a social justice issue. This strand will define social justice and inclusion as well as focus on solutions for creating more inclusive environments. What are the commonalities between the quest for inclusive environments in all areas?
Research to Practice: Parents as Partners
Parent-school partnerships are a natural part of a children’s success, especially for those with disabilities. How do we ensure parents become an integral part of educating children and are empowered to act according to their rights? How does effective parent-school partnerships look like from research to practice?
Research to Practice: Lifelong Inclusion
We will explore transition practices from school to school, school to community, school to workplace, and school to independent living. Are there evidence-based practices that promote successful transition to further education, work, and community life? Are there practices being employed in other similar disciplines that merit examination and subsequent application? How can inclusion be promoted in educational settings and into life as an adult?
Education in Times of Uncertainty: What Have We Learned?
The events of the last year have dramatically altered education as a whole. How do we include all students when going online? How do policies have to change to accommodate for our most vulnerable? What did we do well? What do we need to plan for next? This theme will be about what we learned and what we need to consider moving forward in a new world of education.
Submission Process
Login to My IAFOR Abstracts or Create an account
Your email address will be used as your username and you will be asked to create a password. Please be aware that the information you enter when creating your account will be used for official Letters of Acceptance, Letters of Invitation, and Conference Programmes, so please ensure correct spelling of names, affiliated institutions, and so forth. Login or Create an Account
Submit to the Conference
Submit your abstract (maximum 250 words), choosing from the available presentation formats.
Receive a Confirmation
After submission, you will receive an automatic confirmation that your abstract has been received.
Initial Screening
Your submission will be screened to ensure it conforms to accepted academic norms, and to screen out incomplete submissions.
Your submission will be blind reviewed by a minimum of two reviewers.
See the Abstract Review Process for details.
Final Review
Your submission will receive a final review by a member of the Organising Committee.
Result Notification
First Round of Submissions: A result notification will be sent to you by January 14, 2021.
Second Round of Submissions: A result notification will be sent to you by May 14, 2021.
Accepted submitters will be invited to register. In order to be included in the Conference Programme, accepted submitters are required to register by the registration deadline. Upon payment of the registration fee, you will receive a confirmation email containing your official receipt.
Submit an Abstract
Final call for submissions open from January 1, 2021